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KOYLI Property Sale

The first-ever sale of former KOYLI surplus property holdings as announced at the Association AGM is now open on the Association website here. The sale is for eligible KOYLI and LI personnel who are former KOYLI members, or former Light Infantry Officers and Soldiers who served in our Yorkshire TA Company locations. The property sale is not open to those Officers and Soldiers who only served in the KOYY(LI) or, in the case of Wakefield, the Royal Engineers. This phase of the sale will run from 10 Jun to 10 Jul 23. After this date, any items left over will be made available to the General Public and will run from 15 Jul to 10 Aug on a first come first serve basis.

All bids must be submitted on the appropriate bidding proforma attached to the sale site here. It must be signed; no signature, no bid, and placed in a sealed envelope labeled "KOYLI Property Sale Bid". The sealed bid must be sent to arrive by 10 Jul to the Association Office, Minden House, Wakefield Road, Pontefract, WF8 4ES. The envelopes containing bids will not be opened until 11 Jul.

The sale is the result of the recent (2006) change from LI to Rifles. But in particular, the loss of Minden House Pontefract as our HQ and storage facility, along with changes to some former TA Centres, Wakefield, and Doncaster in particular, have led to this action. Efforts have been made to redistribute property where possible, to the extent in some cases of returning “presented and donated” items to the original owners.

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