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Green Jacket Close Information and How to Apply

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

A lot of people within the Regt or antecedent Regiments, don’t or haven’t even heard about Green Jacket Close and I’m hoping that you will pass this information down to your association and anyone else that you feel will benefit from knowing about it, and letting them to apply to live there if they wish.

There is a waiting list for Green Jacket Close and is prioritized by the needs of the person that are on the list. The list is controlled by me, but the Regt trustee make the final decision who would get the property once it becomes available.

Here is a bit of information about Green Jacket Close

1. Green Jacket Close consists of 21 units off Stanmore Lane, Winchester. Details are:

a. 3 x semi-detached 2-bedroom houses, built in 1904

b. 10 x 1-bedroom flats, built in 1904 and converted in the 1960s

c. 2 x 1-bedroom flats, 2 x 2-bedroom flats, and 4 x maisonettes, built in 1966

Below are some images of the properties

The full details and application form are in the documents below:

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